Hip, Knee, Foot Dysfunctions

Enhance Mobility and Alleviate Discomfort - Chiropractic Solutions for Lower Limb Issues

Hip, Knee, Foot Dysfunctions

We use a ground-up approach at Innervate Chiro when assessing someone’s spine and overall function, so we understand that the foundations of the body are important to get right! Conditions affecting the hips, knees, and feet can have a profound impact on spinal function, highlighting the importance of comprehensive care for overall well-being.

Hip conditions such as tendonitis, labral tears, avascular necrosis, misalignments and degeneration/arthritis can alter pelvic stability, leading to compensatory changes to spinal alignment.

Similarly, knee problems, such as ligament injuries, muscle imbalances or degenerative issues, may cause gait alterations, affecting the alignment of the entire lower body and, consequently, the spine.

Foot conditions, including flat feet or plantar fasciitis, can disrupt the body's foundation, creating a ripple effect on the kinetic chain. Anomalies in foot structure can lead to improper weight distribution, impacting the alignment of the knees, hips, and eventually the spine.

Our holistic Chiropractic approach aims to address all interconnected issues. By focusing on pelvic alignment and investigating hip rotation and foot posture, we aim to return perfect alignment where possible to reduce joint stress and enhance overall musculoskeletal function.

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